I’m a bit late for a Happy New Year, but time just gets away from us all, doesn’t it?
So 2019 was a bit of a strange one for me, but not in bad ways! Like everyone, I’ve had my struggles, and sometimes I wasn’t sure how I was going to get through it. But something interesting happened toward the end of 2019, and the benefits of it have carried through to this year!
I was presented with an unexpected opportunity to ghost write a book. The author had the shell planned out, the characters and the actions he wanted to take place, but he didn’t have the experience to turn that into what he hoped it could become. Normally, I wouldn’t take on something like this, but the possibilities intrigued me.
So, for the last few months of 2019(and likely the first couple of months of 2020) I’ve been working on a ghost project that’s outside my normal writing style. But the results have been fantastic, and not just the outcome of the product (which isn’t quite finished yet), but I’ve grown immensely doing it. It’s enabled me to see my own skills and talents, something I’ll admit I’d not valued fully before. Although the project won’t necessarily add to my resume and my own library of work, I believe what I have accomplished will add a huge boost to my career in what it’s taught me about myself and what I can do.
Those who’ve been waiting for new books from me, well, they will come! I’ve not retired! And 6 months on an outside project might seem like a lot, but the value of what it’s brought to me (besides the paycheck itself, of course) will add to my own work immensely. In the end, I truly believe this will be a win for my readers as well! (Though I do appreciate nobody likes waiting for a new book to come out! I’m the same way!)
So I’m optimisitic about what 2020 brings, and I hope you all are too!