Fantasy Read #9

Fantasy Read #9

For the ninth book in my reading challenge #50Fantasy2019, I had a difficult time! I got four DNF (did not finish) books in a row, and was really having a difficult time finding something that captured my attention. I decided to try something fresh, something newly...
I Know the Code!

I Know the Code!

So, by far the most fun thing that has happened recently is that I got my SFWA decoder ring. I don’t know if any of my fellow members will actually send me coded messages, but that’s not the point, is it. The point is that we could (and I’m hoping...
She’s Helping Again

She’s Helping Again

This week has been both very long and very short! It was as though the first four days were all Mondays, then by Friday I was wondering how the end of the week came so fast. Fortunately, I had my little furry assistant by my side this week, helping me stay motivated....
Nebula Award Finalists

Nebula Award Finalists

A huge congratulations to all of those nominated for a Nebula award for 2018! You can see a full list on the SFWA website. I joined the SFWA in October (I’ve been eligible for years but just recently decided to take the plunge and take part!) but I didn’t...
Fantasy Read #8

Fantasy Read #8

This week for my 2019 reading challenge I chose to read Inkmistress by Audrey Coulthurst after meeting the author on Twitter. I haven’t finished it yet, but so far it’s just delicious. Can’t wait to read more! Like some of my other choices early in...