Feb 23, 2019 | news
A huge congratulations to all of those nominated for a Nebula award for 2018! You can see a full list on the SFWA website. I joined the SFWA in October (I’ve been eligible for years but just recently decided to take the plunge and take part!) but I didn’t...
Feb 1, 2019 | news
Hello friends! It’s February! Woo! In January,I wrote about 33K magical words on Legacy of Ancients! Not bad considering I started on a week in because of holidays, got sick (which turned into a nasty ear infection), had a surgery in the family, and had a guest...
Jan 1, 2019 | news
I’ve got a whole lot going on this year, including revamping the website, working on a new series (Legacy of Ancients), and doing a reading challenge that I hope you’ll join me in. I have a few of the books picked out already, and I’m determined to...